What we are doing

At times a "passage" becomes a means of growth, of development, an open door for new opportunity.

This is how "Project Andrea" came to be: a door open on the future of the children of the world, where we consider them above all else the future of humanity on the earth. It is a humanity that goes beyond the religious belief, the political context and the economic conditions. What does a child know about all these things? At times it is sufficient just to look into their eyes while they are absorbed in their games, to see a magic light that is common to all children no matter what their conditions. It is this light that gives us hope for their future, as we look at them through the eyes of the adult. We would like to respect their new life and give them an opportunity for growth, a chance where often there is none. The project arises from this desire, where the pure wisdom of the child expresses a dream of unity and brotherhood with all the children of the world. With those children whose faces we see on television, condemned to hopelessness, already marked with the scars of a battle that is too harsh for their age, the battle for life or survival. In these Indian children with their shining eyes and a gaze so intense that one becomes completely entranced in a sea of emotions. It is impossible not to want to answer the question that those eyes seem to asks, not to reflect with chagrin and amazement on the life that they offer, not to try and find for them, through Andrea,   the means to give them the opportunity to improve that life. They respond with such joy and celebration in accepting our offer, the School.

We feel a spontaneous urge to help, having the time and means to do so, but it is above all the help of all those who read these words that makes that help possible. When we open our hearts we can go wherever our understanding, or God in his infinite wisdom, can take us. So that the seed can continue to germinate and it is possible to see more and more schools spring up all over the earth.

You can give different types of support, as you choose!